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- 3 Tips for Jumpstarting Your Social Life Without Your BFF BoozeThat placid solitude in the comfort of high quality entertainment is not a bad thing, and it may even last for a few months. But it will get old. And you will want to get off the couch eventually and explore, you know, people and relationships and your future and all that. And you’ll have to do it without your security-blanket/escape-hatch/BFF alcohol to keep you company the whole time. Scary? Sure. Not worth doing? Of course not. Here are three tips for you as you reenter the social world without alcohol.
- A Year of Sobriety Before Dating, You’re Kidding Right?If you’ve spent any amount of time in a sobriety community, you’ve probably heard the recommendation to wait until you’ve gotten a year of sobriety under your belt before you start dating.
- Social Connection and AddictionSince the end of the US war in Vietnam, drug and alcohol abuse have received a great deal of
- How Much Water Should You Actually Drink?Doctor Mom? Remembering when…. As I sit here drinking another bottle of water, I recall a few
- Reflections on Step 8 of Alcoholics AnonymousReflections on Step 8 of Alcoholics Anonymous “Made a list of all persons we had harmed and
- Drinking and Smoking Early in Life May Lead to Addictions Later OnAuthor: Melissa Healy The idea of a “gateway drug” may sound like a throwback to the “Just say no”