• I Was Thinking…

      Question of the day: If your family saw your photo on the news, what would they assume you had done? lol.

Looking at networks like Clean and Social, Father Regan agrees they help connect people as he has little family left.

Growing up in an alcoholic home in an upscale neighborhood, Regan lived with alcoholics his whole life. And, although things looked great to the outside world, it wasn’t within the family behind closed doors. This carried over into his own life after he moved out on his own.

As the years went by, alcohol slowly worked its way into his life and in time became part of his life as an escape and as a vital part of social circle. Later in life Father Regan began working with the church. However in private he still drank.

Follow Father Regan’s testimony as he shares how he dealt with his alcoholism that he lived with so long, even while being in the church.

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